Did you know that South Australia has almost 2,300 State heritage-listed places?
What makes a place eligible to be heritage-listed? It may be that the place is of significant importance to the State's history, or demonstrates a high degree of creative, aesthetic or technical accomplishment.
The 6th July 2018 marked the 40th anniversary of the introduction of heritage legislation in South Australia. To celebrate, the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) (the custodian of our heritage buildings) is holding a Heritage SnAps Competition.
Just SnAp and share your photos of the Heritage-listed places you love and help others discover and enjoy our State Heritage (whilst getting the chance to win a prize). Get more info on the competition here. Entries close at 5pm Friday 13 July 2018.
We own a number of State Heritage-listed properties in North Adelaide which you could SnAp to win!
These include:
Fire Station Inn (Circa 1866)
Buxton Manor (Circa 1909)
Friendly Meeting Chapel (Circa 1879) *The first building in the state to receive the blue heritage plaque.
Stanley Cottage (Circa 1879)
Melbourne Street Mews (Circa 1846).
Get SnApping - and good luck!